So I have a string in small talk, the string comes across TCP/IP connection as '$100xxxxxxZZ' where the x's are numbers 0-9 or letters A - Z, and the ZZ is the checksum as calculated by the sender. With the string I need to calculate a checksum of '100xxxxxx' in order to verify this is the correct msg and checksum. SO I need to be able to remove the '$' and 'ZZ' off of '$100xxxxxxZZ'
I already know how to truncate the 'ZZ' off, here's my code as it stands:
ValidateMsg: replyWithCheckSum
|newMsg tempMsg| "removes the 'ZZ' from '$100xxxxxxZZ' " tempMsg := replyWithCheckSum copyFrom: 2 to: (replyWithCheckSum size -2). "CODE TO REMOVE THE '$' AND STORE INTO newMsg" "compares the 'ZZ' to the checksum calculated from newMsg" ^(self calcCheckSum: newMsg) = (self getCheckSumFromReply: replyWithCheckSum)
TL;DR how do I remove the 1st character in a string in smalltalk for visualworks 2.5 (yes I know this is ancient)
You could try
myString allButFirst
(which, btw, would work on any collection)