I am trying to implement a mockup like this. However, I'm not sure which view controller I should be using for something like this? I tried UICollectionViewController
but that puts cells of fixed width on each row. As you can see in my mockup, at some places I have a label taking all width and in other places I have three labels taking up the width.
You can use the simple UIViewController
and drag the labels manually in the Storyboard. In order to make the rectangular label to round edged labels, you can create a IBOutletCollection
of all those labels and iterate through the array, get each label's layer and set the corner radius to appropriate value.
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutletCollection(UILabel) NSArray *customLabels;
As customLabels is an NSArray
so it doesn't have a layer property. You can do it like this:
for (UILabel *label in customLabels) {
label.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0;