I've been working through Martina Welander's SitecoreMVC tutorials (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Mwcphtz4w ) and run into an issue when I try to add new placeholders.
When my placeholder is called "content" the Page Editor shows a nice clickable block with the Add to here heading. But if I change the name to anything else the block disappears.
At first I thought it might be because I hadn't set up any placeholder settings for that key, but even after doing that the Page Editor doesn't show the placeholder zone.
Clearly there's a basic step I'm missing somewhere to add the key to a list or something?
Check that you have a placeholder settings item with the same name, and that the settings item has 'Editable' selected.
Also, in Page Editor, check that you have 'Designing' enabled, under the 'View->Enable' menu.