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Doctrine ManyToMany Query

I have a Product Entity which has a ManyToMany relationship with a Taxon Entity. I want to find all the products that belong to the intersection of all Taxons. For instance I want to find all products that belong to taxons with IDs 1 and 2.



{{p1,t1},{p1,t2}, {p2,t2}}

I want to retrieve the following set ONLY when querying products for taxons 1 and 2:

which is from {{p1,t1}, {p1,t2}}

Okay, So here is the DQL that i tried... but it doesn't work?

SELECT p FROM SRCProductBundle:Product p
JOIN p.taxons t 
WHERE = 1 AND = 2

(P.S. I would also do this with QueryBuilder with as well)


To clarify, here is the SQL that I would like to translate into DQL/QueryBuilder.

from product p 
where exists (select product_id 
              from product_to_taxon 
              where taxon_id = 1 
              and product_id = 
and exists (select product_id 
            from product_to_taxon 
            where taxon_id = 4 
            and product_id =;


  • For lack of a clean way to do this with DQL, and after a considerable amount of research, I resorted to doing this in Native SQL. Doctrine allows Native SQL via the EntityManager with createNativeQuery().

    So in short, I utilized this ability and constructed the SQL query included in my question as a string and then passed it to the createNativeQuery() function.

    This does appear to have some drawbacks as it appears I will be unable to use the KnpPaginatorBundle with it... So I might end up just filtering the results in PHP rather than SQL, which I'm hesitant to do as I think there are performance drawbacks.