I would like to have a collision detection module in my tracking pipeline, detecting when two different meshes collide/interpenetrate or if there is a self-penetration of an articulated mesh. Based on the depth of the penetration there should be a penalization that combats this phenomenon. I should get a list of the colliding faces/vertices in order to do so.
After examining several options, I decided to start working with CGAL.
In this link there is an interesting answer pointing to some examples. (this and this). The examples use AABBs (Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes), which is the proposed way for non-rigid meshes, since a frequent update of them is needed. The examples are clear for the self-intersection case, but the following are not very clear to me:
Note that this component is not suited to the problem of finding all intersecting pairs of objects. We refer to the component Intersecting Sequences of dD Iso-oriented Boxes which can find all intersecting pairs of iso-oriented boxes.