I have a linearlayout, which contains my TextView I want access. In this linearlayout there is a listview, where every item is a linearlayout and contains also custom views.
Deep in there is a button with an onclickListener
. After performing onClick()
, I want to call a method which sets the text of my textview.
At the moment I am doing it like this:
It works, but it looks bad. Is there any possibility to do it a better way?
Yes, its ugly, don't do that.
In your onClick(View v)
get hold of TextView
by asking Activity holding the layout:
public void onClick(View v) {
TextView tv = (TextView) YourActivity.this
if you do it from fragment instead of activity use :
Or simply create a member TextView mTv
, initialize it in your #OnCreate and use it everywhere as suggested in comments to your question