I signed up for the yellow pages.com API program found here: https://publisher.yp.com/home.
I went to make a call like this and I am getting back JSON in the browser: http://pubapi.atti.com/search-api/search/devapi/search?term=Jumbo+China+5&searchloc=6108+Falls+Of+Neuse+Rd+27609&format=json&key=ZZZZZZZZ
When I take the json results and put it into Json2CSharp, it renders fine. When I try and load it into a type provider:
type RestaurantListingJson = JsonProvider< @"http://pubapi.atti.com/search-api/search/devapi/search?term=Jumbo+China+5&searchloc=6108+Falls+Of+Neuse+Rd+27609&format=json&key=ZZZZZZZ">
I get a 400
Looking at fiddler, I see "User agent is a required field"
Has anyone run into this before? How do I add a user agent to a type provider?
Thanks in advance
The latest version of F# Data now always sends user agent and accept headers, so this should now work directly:
type RestaurantListingJson = JsonProvider<"http://pubapi.atti.com/search-api/search/devapi/search?term=Jumbo+China+5&searchloc=6108+Falls+Of+Neuse+Rd+27609&format=json&key=ZZZZZZZ">