I saw other questions on stacoverflow like this or this but none work with iOS 7. I want to send sms without MFMessageComposeViewController or other services like twilio. Can someone help me?
Here is a sample project sendspace.com/file/i6s6j7 Tested it on iPhone 5 with iOS 7.0.4. There is one thing you need to take care of - "Run Script" build phase. This is where application is signed. I used codesign
which will probably not work for you.
In case of a logos tweak you can't sign your tweak with any entitlements you want. Your code will use and is limited to entitlements of application your are hooking. If it's SpringBoard then it's SpringBoard's entitlements that lack com.apple.CommCenter.Messages-send
. So for a SpringBoard tweak my solution with CTMessageCenter
will not work. But XPC solution in my answer here will work. Unfortunately, SMS sent using XPC will show up in SMS database.
There are two possible solutions:
located in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/imagent.app/imagent
. It signed with all the entitlements we need for SMS sending which is obvious because this daemon deals with SMS on lower level. It observes incoming SMS notifications, XPC calls like in my answer and other Instant Messaging related stuff.