I tried many things but of no use. I have already raised a question on stackoverflow earlier but I am still facing the same issue. Here is the link to old stackoverflow question creating multiple nodes with properties in json in neo4j
Let me try out explaining with a small example This is the query I want to execute
"params" : {
"props" : [
"LocalAsNumber" : 0,
"NodeDescription" : "10TiMOS-B-4.0.R2 ",
"NodeId" : "",
"NodeName" : "BLR_WAO_SARF7"
"query" : "MATCH (n:Router) where n.NodeId = {props}.NodeId RETURN n"}
For simplicity I have added only 1 props array otherwise there are around 5000 props. Now I want to execute the query above but it fails. I tried using (props.NodeId}, {props[NodeID]} but everything fails. Is it possbile to access a individual property in neo4j?
My prog is in c++ and I am using jsoncpp and curl to fire my queries.
If you do {props}.nodeId
in the query then the props
parameter must be a map, but you pass in an array. Do
"props" : {
"LocalAsNumber" : 0,
"NodeDescription" : "10TiMOS-B-4.0.R2 ",
"NodeId" : "",
"NodeName" : "BLR_WAO_SARF7"
You can use an array of maps for parameter either with a simple CREATE
CREATE ({props})
or if you loop through the array to access the individual maps
FOREACH (prop IN {props} |
MERGE (i:Interface {nodeId:prop.nodeId})
ON CREATE SET i = prop