Search code examples

Sync between Doctrine2 and FOSElasticaBundle is not realtime?

I have url /posts to list latest 10 active posts. When I edit the last post (1st of those 10), the change seem not sync to elasticsearch at realtime.

Here is my code:

    $post = $this->findPostBy....;

    /** @var EntityManager $entityManager */
    $entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

    return $this->redirect('/posts'); 

After above code is executed, I will be redirected to /posts but the last post which has just been edited and has its status changed to deleted still get listed as latest 10 active posts (which is definitely wrong). It only disappears when I refresh the page (/posts).

Code for /posts:

    /** @var TransformedFinder $finder */
    $finder = $this->container->get('');
    $query = new Query();
    $filter = new Term(array('status' => PostModel::STATUS_ACTIVE));
    $query->addSort(array('tttAt' => array('order' => 'desc')));
    $posts = $finder->find($query);

My mapping:

                        type: string
                        analyzer: post_analyzer
                        type: string
                        analyzer: post_analyzer
                        type: integer
                    tttAt :
                        type : date
                    createdAt :
                        type : date
                    driver: orm
                    model: MyBundle\Entity\Post
                    finder: ~
                    provider: ~
                    listener: ~

Can someone explain me why and how to solve that problem?

Updated: If I use xdebug to delay the redirection in about 1 or 2 seconds, the post will not be listed in /posts any more. So I guest that there was not enough time for ElasticSearch to re-index. Any ideas or solutions?


  • Just found a solution, maybe not the best way but at least it works:

        /** @var EntityManager $entityManager */
        $entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
        /** @var Index $type */
        $type = $this->container->get('fos_elastica.index.index_name');

    Refreshing index before redirection will do the strick :)