Friends I Used FMDB and it is working very well, but i tryed to select single row but it is gives me an error
this is code
FMResultSet *fResult= [db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM contents WHERE id = 1"];
[fResult next];
NSLog(@"%@",[fResult stringForColumn:@"title"]);
Thank you
You should check your results. For example:
FMResultSet *rs = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM contents WHERE id = 1"];
if (!rs) {
NSLog(@"%s: executeQuery failed: %@", __FUNCTION__, [db lastErrorMessage]);
if ([rs next]) {
NSString *title = [rs stringForColumn:@"title"];
NSLog(@"title = %@", title);
} else {
NSLog(@"%s: No record found", __FUNCTION__);
[rs close];
You are flying blind if you don't (a) check the executeQuery
return code; and (b) if it failed, examine lastErrorMessage
so you know why it didn't work.