I have a MSBuild script to copy specific files from source to destination like given below. I dont want to give *.txt but give file names because I want only these files. Here the directory "E:\Test100\" is repeated for multiple times (I can put it in a property, but still the property will be repeated).
Is there a way to simplify this to refer to these files from the specific directory which is defined once?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Target Name="CopyAllFiles">
<ItemGroup Label="FilesToCopy">
<File Include="E:\Test100\1.txt"/>
<File Include="E:\Test100\2.txt"/>
<File Include="E:\Test100\3.txt"/>
<File Include="E:\Test100\4.txt"/>
<File Include="E:\Test100\5.txt"/>
<File Include="E:\Test100\6.txt"/>
<File Include="E:\Test100\7.txt"/>
<File Include="E:\Test100\8.txt"/>
<Copy SourceFiles="@(File)"
Note: MSBuild script and files are in different directories.
Have a look at documentation about msbuild batching/list ttransformation etc. What you want is the typical way msbuild can deal with lists - if you want to keep repetition to a minimum, you wouldn't even have to specify the .txt part:
<ItemGroup Label="FilesToCopy">
<FileName Include="1"/>
<FileName Include="2"/>
<FileName Include="3"/>
<FileName Include="4"/>
<FileName Include="5"/>
<FileName Include="6"/>
<FileName Include="7"/>
<FileName Include="8"/>
<File Include="E:\Test100\%(FileName.Identity).txt"/>