I'm kinda new in Prolog and I'm using SWI-Prolog v6.6 to storage asserts in a *.pl
:- dynamic fact/2.
With the code above I can make asserts and it works fine, but the problem is when I close SWI-Prolog and I open the *.pl
file again, the asserts I've made are gone...
Is there a way to make asserts and those get stored even if I exit the Prolog process?
Sorry about my bad english and Thanks! (:
Saving state has certain limitations, also see the recent discussion on the SWI-Prolog mailing list.
I think the easiest way to persistently store facts on SWI-Prolog is to use the persistency
library. For that I would rewrite your code in the following way:
:- use_module(library(persistency)).
:- persistent fact(fact1:any, fact2:any).
:- initialization(init).
absolute_file_name('fact.db', File, [access(write)]),
db_attach(File, []).
You can now add/remove facts using assert_fact/2
, retract_fact/2
, and retractall_fact/2
Upon exiting Prolog the asserted facts are automatically saved to fact.db
Example usage:
$ swipl my_facts.pl
?- assert_fact(some(fact), some(other,fact)).
?- halt.
$ swipl my_facts.pl
?- fact(X, Y).
X = some(fact),
Y = some(other, fact).