I'm working on fleshing out an open source ruby gem that queries Yahoo Finance's api, using http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=SOME_COMPANY&f=SOME_SPECIAL_TAGS
This returns a csv, or it can do JSON but either works.
This works great; however, I don't have a complete list of the special tags that I use to query their API. The tags are simple single letter or a single letter followed by a single number to query for specific information, such as r = p/e ratio or a2 = average daily volume.
As much as I've searched I've only ever seen around 85 or so of these special tags, but based on their system they should be able to take as many as 260 special keys. I'm interested in finding all such keys since I would like to be able to find such things as beta or cash flow of a company. If anyone can point me to a complete list it would be greatly appreciated
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If Yahoo! doesn't document their API, you'll probably have to discover the tags by reading a lot of newsgroup posts or by reading a lot of source code. The YDN forums seem suspiciously silent when it comes to question about the finance API, and they don't show a finance API in their YDN index.