I am working on a responsive email template, and wish to apply display: block !important
to 2 <td>
elements in order to go from 2 columns to 1 column layout. Im using the following selector:
td[class="mainArticleImage"] {
display: block !important;
The thing is: these styles are not applied when i view the email in the browser (safari or chrome). They still get the user agent style: display: table-cell;
I thought that an attribute selector would have higher specificity than UA stylesheets?
if i instead write:
.mainArticleImage {
display: block !important;
Then the style get applied, and everything works as i want it to. But i am told that this can cause issues with YAHOO mail clients, as they might always show the mobile version, and that the attribute selector would be a workaround.
Can anyone shed some light on this problem for me?
You are searching for a class attribute that matches exactly that string. Since your string has something else in it, it doesn't match exactly. to match containing, you would use
td[class*="mainArticleImage"] {
display: block !important;