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Sending a StringStream of Binary Data from Cereal with ENet

I have been working on wrapping ENet into a set of easy to use functions for a few weeks now and seem to have a bit of an issue.

I have a std::stringstream and am attempting to send the contents to a remote machine using ENet then reconstruct the std::stringstream on the remote machine.

The reason I need to use a std::stringstream is due to the fact that I'm serializing my data with the Cereal Serialization Library which requires a stream.

With Azoth's help he has identified that I need to be using std::istringstream and std::ostringstream. Previously I was only using std::stringstream which was causing an exception.

However now an exception is being thrown within Cereal at portable_binary.hpp line 156:

throw Exception("Failed to read " + std::to_string(size) + " bytes from input stream! Read " + std::to_string(readSize));

Here's what I'm doing:

void Send(ENetHost* Host)
    std::ostringstream SData;
        cereal::PortableBinaryOutputArchive Archive(SData);

    std::string Out = SData.str();

    ENetPacket* Packet = enet_packet_create(Out.c_str(), Out.size(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE);
    enet_host_broadcast(Host, 0, Packet);

A Cereal Portable Binary Data Archive is constructed to hold a single vector. The std::ostringstream is sent off to the host using ENet.

This part seems to work okay, I can print the information out before and after and it appears to be the same, albeit some weird symbols, but they print out the same on both ends.

Now a std::istringstream is created on the host with the data we received.

NetPacket(enet_uint8 const* Data)
    std::istringstream SData(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(Data));
        cereal::PortableBinaryInputArchive Archive(SData);

At this point I receive the exception at line:


I have a feeling the data is being changed somehow when it's sent through ENet and/or I'm not pulling the data out of the std::ostringstream correctly and/or not putting the data back into the std::istringstream correctly.

Thank you very much for your time I greatly appreciate it.


  • Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with enet.

    You are getting this error because you aren't constructing the std::stringstream properly upon receiving the packet. A send/receive pair should look something like:

      std::ostringstream os;
        cereal::PortableBinaryOutputArchive ar(os);
        ar( whatever_needs_to_be_serialized );
      } // the binary archives will flush their output 
        // immediately, but it's better to
        // use cereal archives in an RAII matter all the time
      std::string data = os.str();
      create_packet(data.c_str(), data.size());
      // send out

    And then on the receiving end, something like this:

    my_receive_function( uint8_t const * data ) // data came from some packet
      MyDataType d;
      std::istringstream is(reinterpet_cast<char const *>(data));
      // this is safe to do since we generated the data using c_str(), which added
      // a null terminator to the data
        cereal::PortableBinaryInputArchive ar(is);
        ar( d );

    The basic idea here: use cereal and some ostringstream to generate a string (which is really just an array of bytes), send those raw bytes over the network, pull them into an istringstream, and then have cereal parse that.