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ruby popen3 -- how to repeatedly write to stdin & read stdout without re-opening process?

I am using Open3's popen3 method to start a process that functions in a console-like / REPL fashion to repeatedly accept input and return output.

I am able to open the process, send input, and receive the output just fine, with code like this:

Open3.popen3("console_REPL_process") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
    stdin.puts "a string of input"
    stdout.each_line { |line| puts line } #successfully prints all the output

I want to do that many times in a row, without re-opening the process, as it takes a long time to start up.

I know I have to close stdin in order for stdout to return.. but what I don't know is, how do I 'reopen' stdin so I can write more input?

Ideally I want to do something like this:

Open3.popen3("console_REPL_process") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
    stdin.puts "a string of input"
    stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }


    stdin.puts "another string of input"
    stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }
    # etc..


Thanks to pmoo's answer, I was able to devise a solution using PTY and expect, expecting the prompt string that the process returns whenever it is ready for more input, like so:

PTY.spawn("console_REPL_process") do |output, input|
    output.expect("prompt >") do |result|
      input.puts "string of input"
    output.expect("prompt >") do |result|
      puts result
      input.puts "another string of input"
    output.expect("prompt >") do |result|
      puts result
      input.puts "a third string of input"
    # and so forth


  • You can have some success using expect library, and have the child process to explicitly mark the end of each output, like:

    require 'expect'
    require 'open3'
    Open3.popen3("/bin/bash") do
        | input, output, error, wait_thr |
        input.sync = true
        output.sync = true
        input.puts "ls /tmp"
        input.puts "echo '----'"
        puts output.expect("----", 5)
        input.puts "cal apr 2014"
        input.puts "echo '----'"
        puts output.expect("----", 5)

    As a bonus, expect has a timeout option.