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How to layout the flux grid view in the backend?

I'm using flux (7.0.0) and fluidcontent (4.0.0) on TYPO3 6.2. My content model is as follows, using the "Composite Pattern":

  • There is a content element "row" (in different flavors), which is a container element, to contain more content elements. It has only one subcolumn of content.
  • There are "leaf" content elements, to display the actual content. Examples would be "single image", "text", but also "row". Each of these leafs has a width as property.

The whole thing is rendered for bootstrap, and within each row, the children are just floated left.

My question is: How do I layout the content elements in the backend grid view to resemble the frontend output? It would be a great improvement if each content element would get a display-width added from its properties and be floated left.

The grid definition in the content element looks like this:

        <flux:flexform.content name="rowcontent" label="{f:translate(id: 'row.column.label')}" />

An example of the current layout in the backend. Each of the image content elements has 25% width set to it. It would be much nicer, if they would be beside each other:

Current layout in the backend


  • In the preview section of your template you would normally use <flux:widget.grid />.


    1) Copy over the files from flux / Resources / Private / Templates / ViewHelpers / Widget / Grid / and flux / Classes / ViewHelpers / Widget / to your extension.

    2) Rename inside everything you copied to fit your vendor prefix / namespace.

    3) Include that new namespace inside your row template and use <YourNamespace:widget.grid /> for the preview.

    4) Now you can customize the templates you copied over so that they are floated instead of in a table.