I have found similar questions, but none is definitely answering my question. I read, e.g.:
How can I commit multiple directories at once using subversion?
Commit several projects in Eclipse SVN
How can I do a single SVN commit across multiple externals at the command line?
Our company convention requires two projects of the same repository checked out into separate working copies
> svn co https://svn/A/trunk Alocal
> svn co https://svn/B/trunk Blocal
The two projects depend on one another and so it's nice to be able to commit both in one single revision.
My MSWindows-using office mates use TortoiseSVN. They just multi-select both Alocal and Blocal in the windows explorer and do right-click -> commit. Done.
On the commandline, I am failing to do the same.
> svn ci -m '' Alocal Blocal
svn: . is not a working copy
The only thing I can do is to commit the two projects sequentially, resulting in two revisions.
Is there a way to replicate TortoiseSVN's single-commit behavior with the svn commandline tool, yes or no? If yes, how?
Thanks a lot!
PS: I'm a simple svn user. So everything involving properties (I read clutter about svn:external) or higher stuff would need some explanation or reference.
"separate working copies" + "one single revision" is impossible in pure SVN by design
United WC (by checkouting from common parent or linking with exernals /better and more natural way/) is a must.
TortoiseSVN uses here some cheat and pre-processing of data before commit, definitely