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Creating unique relationships without creating unique nodes in neo4j

I am breaking out a question I asked elsewhere into a second part.

For a given node which has an id_str that is known to be in the graph, I have a list of new id_str that may or may not be in the graph. If they /are/ in the graph, I would like to create unique relationships to them. (If they are not, I want to ignore them.)

My current method is quite slow. I am doing the looping part outside of Neo, using py2neo and writing the entries one at a time using a very slow filter.

Originally, I was using...

fids = get_fids(record)  # [100001, 100002, 100003, ... etc]
ids_in_my_graph = filter(id_is_in_graph, fids) # [100002]

def id_is_in_graph(id):
    val = False
    query = """MATCH (user:User {{id_str:"{}"}})
    RETURN user
    if n:
        val = True

for i in ids_in_my_graph:
    """MATCH (user:User {{id_str:"{}"}}),(friend:User {{id_str:"{}"}})
       WHERE has(user.id_str) AND has(friend.id_str)
       CREATE UNIQUE (user)-[:FRIENDS]->(friend)""".format(, i)

And while I want new /unique/ [:FRIENDS] relationships, I do not want to create new users or new friends if a node does not already exist with a valid id_str.

So, I am trying to rewrite this using the FOREACH with collections. I think the actual syntax would be...

MATCH (user:User {id_str:"200001"}), (friends:User)
WHERE friends.id_str IN ["100001", "100002", "100003", "JUNK", "DOESNTMATCH", "IGNORED"]
FOREACH(friend in friends :
CREATE UNIQUE user -[:FRIENDS]-> friend)

But my error is

py2neo.neo4j.SyntaxException: Invalid input 'U': expected whitespace, comment, NodeLabel, MapLiteral, a parameter, a relationship pattern, '.', node labels, '[', "=~", IN, IS, '*', '/', '%', '^', '+', '-', '<', '>', "<=", ">=", '=', "<>", "!=", AND, XOR, OR or '|' (line 3, column 48)
"            FOREACH(friend in friends : CREATE UNIQUE user -[:FRIENDS]-> friend)"

Create Unique does not seem to be supported for the FOREACH construct, even though this answer suggests this has been fixed.

And again, I cannot use the syntax suggested here in 11.2.2 because I do not want additional nodes to be created, only new relationships to already-existing nodes.


  • Couple of problems:

    First, it will want parenthesises around the user and friend node in the CREATE UNIQUE pattern.

    Second, the ":" separator inside FOREACH has been changed to "|", because there were readability clashes with the ":" used for types and labels.

    Third, you should use MERGE instead of create unique. It's faster, more predictable and it replaces CREATE UNIQUE.


    Conceptually, the "friends" identifier points to one friend "at a time", so to speak, it isn't a collection of all the friends. You can turn it into such by doing:

    WITH user, COLLECT(friends) AS friends

    Of course, as you might've guessed, that actually means you don't need the FOREACH at all, so your final query could be:

    MATCH (user:User {id_str:"200001"}), (friend:User)
    WHERE friend.id_str IN ["100001", "100002", "100003", "JUNK", "DOESNTMATCH", "IGNORED"]
    MERGE (user) -[:FRIENDS]-> (friend)

    Make sure you have an index defined on friend.id_str, otherwise this will be very slow :)