Suppose I have two binary variables:
group <- rbinom(100,1,0.6)
y <- rbinom(100,1,0.3)
group 0 1
0 26 13
1 42 19
How to table out or sort the table output in this format:
group 1 0
0 13 26
1 19 42
Depending on what bigger problem you are trying to solve, either one of these approaches might be helpful. For reference, here is what I get initially:
> set.seed(1)
> group<-rbinom(100,1,0.6)
> y<-rbinom(100,1,0.3)
> table(group,y)
group 0 1
0 28 15
1 42 15
You can redefine y
to be a factor
with your own choice of ordering of the factor levels and then tabulate:
> table(group,factor(y,levels=c("1","0")))
group 1 0
0 15 28
1 15 42
Or you can run the table
as above and then sort the columns of the output:
> table(group,y)[,c("1","0")]
group 1 0
0 15 28
1 15 42