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Nodejs Tedious Mssql Invalid State

I have a virtual box running Ubuntu on my local machine. I have installed nodejs as well as tedious the mssql driver. I'm attempting to pull data from a remote mssql server from a query and return json.

I've read through quite a bit of documentation the first question I would just like answered is do you have to run Nodejs on a windows box to connect to mssql server?

(I am under the impression this is the case when using the standards nodejs windows driver.)

The second question I have stepped through all of my process and the node server is functioning fine but when I get to the mssql call I'm getting the following error:

Invalid state; requests can only be made in the LoggedIn state, not the SentLogin7WithStandardLogin state

I have not found anyone else that has run into this error with the same situation as myself. I have tried sending the request with the object formation as suggested in this fix.

How do I connect to SQL Azure from NodeJS/Tedious?

I'm still getting the same error as mentioned before. So here is the code. I'm using restify was hoping just to make a restful api our of my nodejs server and spit back json from my mssql calls.

var restify = require('restify');
var Connection = require('tedious').Connection;
var server = restify.createServer();

  console.log('%s listening at %s',,server.url);

function GetInfo(req, res, next){

  console.log('Starting GetInfo function ...');

  var config = {
var connection = new Connection(config);
var Request = require('tedious').Request;

var sql = "SELECT ColumnName FROM Database.dbo.TableName";
  request = new Request(sql,function(err,rowCount){
    console.log('got an error %s',err)





So there you have I'm a complete novice with nodejs I thought I would give it a try. Any tips or information is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • 1) No, you don't have to run code on Windows machine when using Tedious. It's written in pure javascript and should work everywhere nodejs work.

    2) First, I would advice you to upgrade to latest Tedious 0.2.x. It's a major release with lots of improvements. Next, I would recomend you to review your code because the snipped you posted has less opening brackets { than closing brackets }.

    Basicly your problem is you're calling connection.execSql(request); before the connection was established or regardless if connection was successfull. New Tedious has some improvements in connection error handling, maybe it could help you to resolve your issue.