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Youtube api get the channels from the Featured channels module

i want to get all the channel from the module Featuring channel of a YouTube channel ,with the API V3 of YouTube

I post a picture, you can see what is the module Featuring channel

enter image description here

This is the module with all the YouTube channel.

I want to get this with the api but i can't find the information in the API. Is it possible ?


  • There isn't option to grab the featured channel on the youtube api V3. I think we also need to wait an update of the api v3.

    I finally found a solution with YouTube API V3 !

    If you check the documentation of Channel you can see the parameter : brandingSettings

    The featured channels are in the brandingSettings results. All you need is the id for the YouTube channel, not the username. I made a tool to find the Id of a channel YouTube with the name.

    For example, the channel is : YouTubeHelp -> id : UCMDQxm7cUx3yXkfeHa5zJIQ

    So with this ID and the part : brandingSettings you are able to find the featured channels.

    An exemple with api's explorer

    The result :

      "brandingSettings": {
        "channel": {
         "title": "YouTube Help",
         "description": "Subscribe for tutorials, troubleshooting, and tips from the YouTube Help team! Check out the links below for more help.",
         "keywords": "youtube help tutorials \"youtube help\" Hilfe Ayuda Aide ヘルプ 도움 Ajuda",
         "moderateComments": true,
         "showRelatedChannels": true,
         "showBrowseView": true,
         "featuredChannelsTitle": "Featured Channels",
         "featuredChannelsUrls": [
         "unsubscribedTrailer": "MjHDKJuPjLs",
         "profileColor": "#000000"

    If you check the table : featuredChannelsUrls

    Each id is corresponding to a featured channel. Use the API V3 to find the name of the channels associate.