I have this table, 2 courses with 12 possible subjects (content: subject ID, or NULL if no more subjects exsist). Please note that it can contain up to 50 different courses, not only 2
I am trying by a WHILE to show course name (workis fine) and by COALESCE to show in each course the course's subjects ID, this should be the final result:
Curso de Programación Creativa con PHP y MySQL - CURSO: 1 - CURSO: 2 - CURSO: 10 -
Máster en Diseño y Desarrollo Web - CURSO: 1 -
But something is failing as with my COALESCE expression I get:
Curso de Programación Creativa con PHP y MySQL - CURSO: 1 - CURSO: 1 -
Máster en Diseño y Desarrollo Web - CURSO: 1 - CURSO: 1 -
Here is the code:
$select = select("SELECT * FROM course_conf JOIN course_type ON ct_id=co_fk_ct_id ORDER BY co_name");
while($registroBbdd = consultaRegistro($select))
$result = select("SELECT COALESCE(co_subj1,co_subj2,co_subj3,co_subj4,co_subj5,co_subj6,co_subj7,co_subj8,co_subj9,co_subj10,co_subj11,co_subj12) FROM course_conf");
echo '<div class="contentColumn80">
<span class="tableContentText ">'.$courseName.' - </span>';
echo '<span>CURSO: '.$row['COALESCE(co_subj1,co_subj2,co_subj3,co_subj4,co_subj5,co_subj6,co_subj7,co_subj8,co_subj9,co_subj10,co_subj11,co_subj12)'].' - </span>';
echo '</div>';
OK, there are two obvious errors:
will always return the first param, which is not null (in your case always the value stored in co_subj1
-clause. Because of this you get co_subj1
of all coursesWhile probably not the best solution possible, this should work:
$select = select("SELECT * FROM course_conf JOIN course_type ON ct_id=co_fk_ct_id ORDER BY co_name");
while($registroBbdd = consultaRegistro($select))
$courseName = $registroBbdd['co_name'];
echo '<div class="contentColumn80">
<span class="tableContentText ">'.$courseName.' - </span>';
for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
if($registroBbdd['co_subj'.$i] != null) {
echo '<span>CURSO: ' . $registroBbdd['co_subj'.$i] . ' - </span>';
echo '</div>';