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where does mantisBT install on a unix server

This may seem a very stupid question, but if you go through the installation of mantisBT on a UNIX server, which directory does it install into? I cannot find any of the files.

I foolishly thought that as the path was http://myWebServerHere/mantis/login_page.php, that if I went to the root of my web server (/var/www) i would then see a directory called mantis, with login_page.php in it. But I don't.

In that directory I see several other files that I can load by using the server url and the file name, but nothing else.

BTW How is it even possible for mantis to be loading in my browser if it isn't under www?


  • How is it even possible for mantis to be loading in my browser if it isn't under www?

    /var/www is just a directory, your web server can be configured to look for files in lots of locations. How depends on the web server.