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Remove controls at run time using context menu in C#

I create a few custom controls (buttons) inside a tabControl which contains a FLP at run-time by dragging files on it. I want to remove buttons when I right click on a button and from a context menu select remove. My question is how do I know which button I right click to remove ?

How I create the button:

 public void tabControl1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
        string[] fileList = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) as string[];

        foreach (string s in fileList)
            var button = new Button();
            CustomControl custom_btn = new CustomControl(button, new Label { Text = file_name,  BackColor = Color.Red });
            button.Tag = path_app;

            FlowLayoutPanel selectedFLP = (FlowLayoutPanel)tabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls[0];

            ContextMenu cm2 = new ContextMenu();
            cm2.MenuItems.Add("Remove", new EventHandler(rmv_btn_click));
            custom_btn.ContextMenu = cm2;

My try to remove the buttons, but is not removing the one I select..

 private void rmv_btn_click(object sender, System.EventArgs tab)

        //flp_panel.Controls.Remove(sender as Button); - not working because the sender is actually the button "remove" from the context menu..
        foreach (Control X in flp_panel.Controls)


  • You can first declare a method:

    private EventHandler handlerGetter( Button button )
        return ( object sender, EventArgs e ) =>

    Then modify your existing code to:

    cm2.MenuItems.Add("Remove", handlerGetter(custom_btn));
