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Terminating an IronPython script

This may not specifically be an IronPython question, so a Python dev out there might be able to assist.

I want to run python scripts in my .Net desktop app using IronPython, and would like to give users the ability to forcibly terminate a script. Here's my test script (I'm new to Python so it might not be totally correct):-

import atexit
import time
import sys

def cleanup():
    print 'doing cleanup/termination code'

for i in range(100):
    print 'doing something'

(Note that I might want to specify an "atexit" function in some scripts, allowing them to perform any cleanup during normal or forced termination).

In my .Net code I'm using the following code to terminate the script:


This results in the script's atexit function being called, but the script doesn't actually terminate - the for loop keeps going. A couple of other SO articles (here and here) say that sys.exit() should do the trick, so what am I missing?


  • It seems that it's not possible to terminate a running script - at least not in a "friendly" way. One approach I've seen is to run the IronPython engine in another thread, and abort the thread if you need to stop the script.

    I wasn't keen on this brute-force approach, which would risk leaving any resources used by the script (e.g. files) open.

    In the end, I create a C# helper class like this:-

    public class HostFunctions
        public bool AbortScript { get; set; }
        // Other properties and functions that I want to expose to the script...

    When the hosting application wants to terminate the script it sets AbortScript to true. This object is passed to the running script via the scope:-

    _hostFunctions = new HostFunctions();
    _scriptScope = _engine.CreateScope();
    _scriptScope.SetVariable("HostFunctions", _hostFunctions);

    In my scripts I just need to strategically place checks to see if an abort has been requested, and deal with it appropriately, e.g.:-

    for i in range(100):
        print 'doing something'
        if HostFunctions.AbortScript: