I try to run [odeint complex state type example code in boost_1_55_0 on Mac OS X 10.9.2 g++ 5.1.
The code below is the copy on the website which solves the Stuart-Landau oscillator
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;
//[ stuart_landau_system_function
typedef complex< double > state_type;
struct stuart_landau
double m_eta;
double m_alpha;
stuart_landau( double eta = 1.0 , double alpha = 1.0 )
: m_eta( eta ) , m_alpha( alpha ) { }
void operator()( const state_type &x , state_type &dxdt , double t ) const
const complex< double > I( 0.0 , 1.0 );
dxdt = ( 1.0 + m_eta * I ) * x - ( 1.0 + m_alpha * I ) * norm( x ) * x;
//[ stuart_landau_system_function_alternative
double eta = 1.0;
double alpha = 1.0;
void stuart_landau( const state_type &x , state_type &dxdt , double t )
const complex< double > I( 0.0 , 1.0 );
dxdt = ( 1.0 + m_eta * I ) * x - ( 1.0 + m_alpha * I ) * norm( x ) * x;
struct streaming_observer
std::ostream& m_out;
streaming_observer( std::ostream &out ) : m_out( out ) { }
template< class State >
void operator()( const State &x , double t ) const
m_out << t;
m_out << "\t" << x.real() << "\t" << x.imag() ;
m_out << "\n";
int main( int argc , char **argv )
//[ stuart_landau_integration
state_type x = complex< double >( 1.0 , 0.0 );
const double dt = 0.1;
typedef runge_kutta4< state_type > stepper_type;
integrate_const( stepper_type() , stuart_landau( 2.0 , 1.0 ) , x , 0.0 , 10.0 , dt , streaming_observer( cout ) );
return 0;
The sample code above doesn't compile. 9 errors generates and ends with:
'boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_stepper_base<boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_generic_rk<4, 4, std::__1::complex<double>, double, std::__1::complex<double>, double,
boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer>, 4, std::__1::complex<double>, double, std::__1::complex<double>,
double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer>::do_step_v1<stuart_landau, std::__1::complex<double> >'
requested here
do_step_v1( system , x , t , dt );
/usr/include/boost/numeric/odeint/integrate/detail/integrate_adaptive.hpp:62:17: note: in instantiation of function template specialization
'boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_stepper_base<boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_generic_rk<4, 4, std::__1::complex<double>, double, std::__1::complex<double>, double,
boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer>, 4, std::__1::complex<double>, double, std::__1::complex<double>,
double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer>::do_step<stuart_landau, std::__1::complex<double> >' requested
stepper.do_step( system , start_state , end , end_time - end );
/usr/include/boost/numeric/odeint/integrate/integrate_const.hpp:50:24: note: in instantiation of function template specialization
'boost::numeric::odeint::detail::integrate_adaptive<boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta4<std::__1::complex<double>, double, std::__1::complex<double>, double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra,
boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer>, stuart_landau, std::__1::complex<double>, double, streaming_observer>' requested here
return detail::integrate_adaptive(
main.cpp:84:5: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'boost::numeric::odeint::integrate_const<boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta4<std::__1::complex<double>, double,
std::__1::complex<double>, double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer>, stuart_landau,
std::__1::complex<double>, double, streaming_observer>' requested here
integrate_const( stepper_type() , stuart_landau( 2.0 , 1.0 ) , x , 0.0 , 10.0 , dt , streaming_observer( cout ) );
What is the bug?
You use a feature which only exist in the github version of odeint. Replace the typedef for the stepper with
typedef runge_kutta4< state_type , double ,
state_type , double ,
vector_space_algebra > stepper_type;
Automatic algebra detection currently works only in the github version of odeint. We try to get this feature into the next official boost version.