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How to restore drive mount after DeleteVolumeMountPoint?

After using DeleteVolumeMountPoint("E:\") (for instance) in order to delete the mounting point of a DOK, i would like to restore it. (make the drive letter usable again)

How would I do that?


  • Looking at the MSDN documentation for DeleteVolumeMountPoint says that SetVolumeMountPoint would do the task.

    The documentation links to an example:

    #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define BUFSIZE MAX_PATH 
    int _tmain( int argc, TCHAR *argv[] )
       BOOL bFlag;
       TCHAR Buf[BUFSIZE];     // temporary buffer for volume name
       if( argc != 3 ) 
          _tprintf( TEXT("Usage: %s <mount_point> <volume>\n"), argv[0] );
          _tprintf( TEXT("For example, \"%s c:\\mnt\\fdrive\\ f:\\\"\n"), argv[0]);
          return( -1 );
      // We should do some error checking on the inputs. Make sure there 
      // are colons and backslashes in the right places, and so on 
       bFlag = GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(
                  argv[2], // input volume mount point or directory
                      Buf, // output volume name buffer
                  BUFSIZE  // size of volume name buffer
       if (bFlag != TRUE) 
          _tprintf( TEXT("Retrieving volume name for %s failed.\n"), argv[2] );
          return (-2);
       _tprintf( TEXT("Volume name of %s is %s\n"), argv[2], Buf );
       bFlag = SetVolumeMountPoint(
                  argv[1], // mount point
                      Buf  // volume to be mounted
       if (!bFlag)
         _tprintf (TEXT("Attempt to mount %s at %s failed.\n"), argv[2], argv[1]);
       return (bFlag);