I have found that page loads in SharePoint 2013 Online (have not tested On-prem) falls back from MDS to the full page load for any page which contains an app part.
I have found this to be true for both SharePoint hosted app parts and provider hosted app parts.
I have simplified the pages to remove all but just basic html content to be sure some of the known issues, like script links, are not causing the issue.
As part of my testing, I confirmed that MDS is functioning for other pages on the site (ex: Navigating from one document library to another).
I have read a few articles about MDS fallback,
but I haven't seen anyone mention that app parts will cancel MDS.
Here a couple posts that I found useful.
http://steve.thelineberrys.com/gotchas-using-custom-web-parts-and-the-minimal-download-strategy/ http://www.wictorwilen.se/sharepoint-2013---introduction-to-the-minimal-download-strategy-mds
Edit: I created a fiddler trace of the MDS fallback. I don't see any errors generated as part of the responses. The trace can be downloaded at http://1drv.ms/1pWrlx3.
Ok, that fiddler trace helps out a lot. You have script in your HTML which is causing the page to revert out of MDS mode.
The code below is the culprit. It is displayed right above the iframe for your app part. You will need to register that code in your code behind using SPPageContentManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var spAppIFrameSenderInfo = new Array(1);
var SPAppIFramePostMsgHandler = function(e)
if (e.data.length > 100)
var regex = RegExp(/(<\s*[Mm]essage\s+[Ss]ender[Ii]d\s*=\s*([\dAaBbCcDdEdFf]{8})(\d{1,3})\s*>[Rr]esize\s*\(\s*(\s*(\d*)\s*([^,\)\s\d]*)\s*,\s*(\d*)\s*([^,\)\s\d]*))?\s*\)\s*<\/\s*[Mm]essage\s*>)/);
var results = regex.exec(e.data);
if (results == null)
var senderIndex = results[3];
if (senderIndex >= spAppIFrameSenderInfo.length)
var senderId = results[2] + senderIndex;
var iframeId = unescape(spAppIFrameSenderInfo[senderIndex][1]);
var senderOrigin = unescape(spAppIFrameSenderInfo[senderIndex][2]);
if (senderId != spAppIFrameSenderInfo[senderIndex][0] || senderOrigin != e.origin)
var width = results[5];
var height = results[7];
if (width == "")
width = '300px';
var widthUnit = results[6];
if (widthUnit == "")
widthUnit = 'px';
width = width + widthUnit;
if (height == "")
height = '150px';
var heightUnit = results[8];
if (heightUnit == "")
heightUnit = 'px';
height = height + heightUnit;
var widthCssText = "";
var resizeWidth = ('False' == spAppIFrameSenderInfo[senderIndex][3]);
if (resizeWidth)
widthCssText = 'width:' + width + ' !important;';
var cssText = widthCssText;
var resizeHeight = ('False' == spAppIFrameSenderInfo[senderIndex][4]);
if (resizeHeight)
cssText += 'height:' + height + ' !important';
if (cssText != "")
var webPartInnermostDivId = spAppIFrameSenderInfo[senderIndex][5];
if (webPartInnermostDivId != "")
var webPartDivId = 'WebPart' + webPartInnermostDivId;
var webPartDiv = document.getElementById(webPartDivId);
if (null != webPartDiv)
webPartDiv.style.cssText = cssText;
cssText = "";
if (resizeWidth)
var webPartChromeTitle = document.getElementById(webPartDivId + '_ChromeTitle');
if (null != webPartChromeTitle)
webPartChromeTitle.style.cssText = widthCssText;
cssText = 'width:100% !important;'
if (resizeHeight)
cssText += 'height:100% !important';
var webPartInnermostDiv = document.getElementById(webPartInnermostDivId);
if (null != webPartInnermostDiv)
webPartInnermostDiv.style.cssText = cssText;
var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId);
if (null != iframe)
iframe.style.cssText = cssText;
if (typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined')
window.addEventListener('message', SPAppIFramePostMsgHandler, false);
else if (typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined')
window.attachEvent('onmessage', SPAppIFramePostMsgHandler);
}spAppIFrameSenderInfo[0] = new Array("EC5C9C4B0","g_8282237a_000e_4ab0_baf6_a4ad64ccc6ba","http:\u002f\u002fapp-bda070359d354c.apps","False","False","ctl00_ctl33_g_1581e83c_d38c_4be0_81eb_1015c2ac7a1b");