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Wait for Platform.RunLater in a unit test

I have a presentation class storing an XYChart.Series object and updating it by observing the model. The Series updating is done by using Platform.runLater(...)

I want to unit-test this, making sure the commands in runLater are performed correctly. How do I tell the unit-test to wait for the runLater commands to be done? Right now all I do is Thread.Sleep(...) on the test-thread to give the FXApplicationThread the time to complete, but that sounds stupid.


  • The way I solved it is as follows.

    1) Create a simple semaphore function like this:

    public static void waitForRunLater() throws InterruptedException {
        Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(0);
        Platform.runLater(() -> semaphore.release());

    2) Call waitForRunLater() whenever you need to wait. Because Platform.runLater() (according to the javadoc) execute runnables in the order they were submitted, you can just write within a test:


    which works for simple tests