Search code examples

Issues with a search bar

I really need some help with this one. I'm trying to create a search bar for my site that will display the proteins that are available. I'v not got much knowledge on how to do this and im using some script that I have been given form my tutor.

This is the script so far


 $search = $_GET["search"];

  require "";

$connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password);

  mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection);

  $query = "SELECT  protien.ProtienID,  
                 protien.Protien Image,
                 protien.Protien Name,
                 protien.Protien Flavour,
                 protien.Protien Price,
         protien.Protien Description
        FROM     protien";

if ($search != "All")

//   $query .= " AND r.region_name = 'Coonawarra' ";
  $query .= " AND Protien Name = '$regionName' ";

 $query .= " ORDER BY Protien Name";

 $result = mysql_query($query,$connection) OR die(mysql_error($query));


And the form is

div class="SideBar">
<div id="tfheader">
        <form  method="get" action="ProteinSearch.php"  id="searchform"> 
  <input  type="text" name="search" /> 
      <input  type="submit" name="submit" value="Search" /> 


  • Try to change this like

    if ($search != "All")
       $query .= " WHERE `Protien Name` = '$regionName' ";

    You have to use WHERE instead of AND and also your column name contains space so you need to enclose it with backquotes.