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Play Framework 2.x: How to update a displayed view from server side?

I have some problems with the play! framework. The framework is new for me and my first and only practise with it, is this tutorial here.

I have a view which lists up some data. A Controller which have one method to show the view and another method which can receive some data with JSON. Now i would like to update the view when new data(JSON) is received.

I found out, that i can use either a comet socket, a websocket or server-sent events to implement this. (A permanent AJAX-polling ist not a option for me to do it.)

What is the best way to do this?

I tried to solve it with websockets, but it does not work as i want...

Here is my code:

public class MyController extends Controller{   
    public static Result showMyView() {
        return ok(views.html.showMyView.render(Data.all()));

    public static Result jsonReceiver() {
        JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
        String rcvData = json.findPath("someData").textValue();

        if(rcvData != null) {
            //SEND SOME DATA OVER THE WEBSOCKET FROM HERE?! ..To update the view
            //something like: out.write("Now from here!");
            return ok();
        } else {
            return badRequest();

    public static WebSocket<String> websocket() {
        return new WebSocket<String>() {

            public void onReady(WebSocket.In<String> in, WebSocket.Out<String> out) {

Is there any way to send messages or other data over the socket from the position /*FLAG*/ in the code above?

My view looks like this:

@(dataContent: List[Data])
@main(title = "MyViews Observation Page") {

<script type="text/javascript">
    var socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + + "/path/to/my/websocket")

    socket.onmessage = function(event) {
        alert("Received: " +; // only for testing... will be replaced later

Can anybody help me here? I don't know how to update the view, when new data is received.

I would be very grateful if you could show it on the basis of my example code above. if it is easier to make it in a different way(comet or server-sent events), I am also very grateful for examples.

In my previous investigation i have found a few examples for comet and server-sent events but they were only in scala and i haven't understood them.

I'm using play framework 2.2.2 with java.


  • Each client will generate a WebSocket.Out on your server.

    Store them in a List, and then call WebSocket.Out.write(objectNode)

    public class MyController extends Controller{   
        //1. you store your client channels here
        private static ArrayList<WebSocket.Out> channels=new ArrayList<>();
        public static Result showMyView() {
            return ok(views.html.showMyView.render(Data.all()));
        public static Result jsonReceiver() {
            JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
            String rcvData = json.findPath("someData").textValue();
            if(rcvData != null) {
               //3. you can write in your channels :)
               for(WebSocket.Out channel : channels){
                return ok();
            } else {
                 return badRequest();
        public static WebSocket<String> websocket() {
            return new WebSocket<String>() {
                public void onReady(WebSocket.In<String> in, WebSocket.Out<String> out) {
                      //2. each time a client connects, you save a reference to its channel
