I have a category with a subcategory and the subcategory has posts. I'd like to link it as following:
I've tried doing so by putting this in my routes:
resources :categories do
resources :subcategories do
resources :posts
But any time I'd like to create a link for my subcategories (/categoryname/subcategory/
) via link_to(subcat.name, category_subcategory_path)
I get:
No route matches {:controller=>"subcategories", :action=>"show"} missing required keys: [:category_id, :id]
How would I approach this to get the desired link setup?
Thanks in advance,
Firstly, if you're looking to use slugged routes, you'll be best looking at gems including friendly_id or slugalicious -- basically allows you to manage "slugs" for your models -- saving titles or other attributes in URL encoded format
Secondly, I think you'll resolve your issue by providing values, rather than using the path helper. I would do this:
link_to subcat.name, category_subcategory_path(category.id , subcat.id)
When you use a path helper
, it only cares about which params
you send. The path helper you're using requires you to set the category_id
and subcategory_id
params -- which you should pass to the path helper as demonstrated above
This will create the path using id
's - if you'd like to use slugs
, you'll need to use one of the aforementioned gems (friendly_id is recommended) to set up the slugs in your app