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Wrong presentingViewController when doing modal segue (using ECSlidingViewController)

I present signup view controller modally from login view controller. My initial view controller is login view controller and when I present signup view controller modally, there is nothing wrong, but something wrong is occurring when I use ECSlidingViewController to reset top view on logout. I use following code to reset top view to login view controller on logout.

UIViewController *newTopViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"Login"];
[self.slidingViewController anchorTopViewOffScreenTo:ECRight animations:nil onComplete:^{
    self.slidingViewController.topViewController = newTopViewController;

    [self.slidingViewController resetTopView];


When I present signup view modally after reseting top view with ECSlidingViewController, the presentingViewController property of signup view controller is set to another view controller, not login view controller.

I know that it is really hard to grasp the essence of the question, but If anyone needs any more detail so that they can answer this question, feel free to :)


  • ECSlidingViewController does seem to mess with presentingViewController.

    ECSlidingViewController has the property topViewController and you should be able to access the view controller you are expecting to be presentingViewController from there.

    I was able to access the view controller you would expect to be presentingViewController as follows:

    ECSlidingViewController *ec = (ECSlidingViewController*)self.presentingViewController;
    if(ec) {
        UINavigationController *navController = (UINavigationController*)ec.topViewController;
        if(navController && navController.viewControllers.count) {
            UIViewController *top = navController.viewControllers[0];
            // now you'll need to cast top to your presenting view controller's class, eg:
            MyViewController *myVc = (MyViewController*)top;
            [myVc doSomething];

    You may not be using a navigation controller in your application, in which case it would be something like this (not tested):

    ECSlidingViewController *ec = (ECSlidingViewController*)self.presentingViewController;
    if(ec) {
        UIViewController *top = (UIViewController*)ec.topViewController;
        if(vc) {            
            // now you'll need to cast top to your presenting view controller's class, eg:
            MyViewController *myVc = (MyViewController*)top;
            [myVc doSomething];