I'm beginner to c++ and writing a program that accepts user choices and acts according to it...my only problem is when the user enters Uppercase choice...the program treats it as it's a wrong choice...like if 'e' was a choice for entering a number..if the user entered 'E' the program won't display the "enter the number" message..how can i fix it ? i tried my best but i can't get it working.. Oh , and how can i add the Uppercase in Switch cases ? This is the part of the code that's responsible of taking user's choice and act according to it.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char choice ;
cout << endl ;
cout << "(e)nter." << endl ;
cout << "(d)isplay." << endl;
cout << "(u)pdate." << endl ;
cout << "(r)eset. " << endl;
cout << "(q)uit." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Choose one : " ;
cin >> choice ;
if( !strchr("edurq",choice) && (choice>=97&&choice<=122) ){
cout << "Enter e,d,u or q " << endl;}
else if( !strchr("EDURQ",choice) && (choice<97&&choice>122) ){
cout << "Enter E,D,U or Q " << endl;}
}while( !strchr("edurqEDURQ",choice) );
switch (choice) {
case 'e' : enter(); break ;
case 'd' : display(); break ;
case 'u': update() ; break ;
case 'r' : reset() ;break;
case 'q' : return 0;
If you don't break for a case in a switch statement that matches it will continue on to the next one. If you put the capital cases before each lower case choice it will fall through.
switch (choice) {
case 'E' :
case 'e' : enter(); break ;
case 'D' :
case 'd' : display(); break ;
case 'U' :
case 'u': update() ; break ;
case 'R' :
case 'r' : reset() ;break;
case 'Q' :
case 'q' : return 0;
The other option is to apply a string function to the user input to change it to lower case, in which case your existing switch statement would work.