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iOS UI Control for History Selection

TL;DR: what I am looking for is a link or code for a UI control that allows me to select a data set range.

I'm developing an iPad application with a specific section that looks at a set of data over a period of time. I would like to give the user the option of modifying the data set using a range selection UI control. I googled various UI Range selectors or UI Sliders with dual sliders but every example I found is old and does not work well with iOS 7 (as in usability of the control).

I did find a very good example on the Mint iPad application that looks like this: enter image description here

Here's a few example I've found that did not work properly:


  • So I ended up finding a viable solution using the github project from romaonthego (

    In order to modify this project to look at a specific time range within a day, I changed the max value to 86400 (seconds in a day) and convert the value from each slider event like so:

    NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
        NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
        [components setYear:2014];
        [components setMonth:1];
        [components setDay:1];
        [components setHour:0];
        [components setMinute:0];
        NSDate *myDate = [calendar dateFromComponents:components];
        myDate = [myDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:_leftValue];
        NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
        [formatter setDateFormat:@"hh:mm a"];
        NSString *dateString = [formatter stringFromDate:myDate];
        _leftPopover.timeLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",dateString];

    The project allows the use of using a resource bundle as well for customizing the control. I hope this helps anyone who is looking for a similar control!