I have two cells:
Months1 = {'F','G','H','J','K','M','N','Q','U','V','X','Z'};
Months2 = 2009:2014;
How do I generate all combinations without running a loop so that I achieve the following:
Combined = {'F09','F10','F11','',...,'G09',.....};
Basically all combinations of Months1
and Months2
as in meshgrid
You can convert cell array to indices with grp2idx
, then use meshgrid
, then strcat
to combine strings. Before you also need to convert numeric Months2
vector to cell array of strings.
[id1,id2] = meshgrid(grp2idx(Months1),Months2);
Months2cell = cellstr(num2str(id2(:)-2000,'%02d'))';
Combined = strcat( Months1(id1(:)), Months2cell );