I configured a Jenkins job to run foodcritic's analysis as was recomended by official site. When i run this job, all results was presented as follow:
As show the previous table, the code base have a "Chef List Warning" referenced by official site as FC017. The original code for postgredb.rb it is:
# Support whyrun
require 'chef/mixin/shell_out'
require 'chef/mixin/language'
include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
def whyrun_supported?
action :install do
version = @new_resource.version
options = @new_resource.options
e = execute "sudo apt-get install postgresql-#{version} #{options}"
# Now, it just changes the default password to postgres.
action :unistall do
converge_by "Unistall postgresql--#{@new_resource.version}" do
e = execute "sudo apt-get purge postgresql--#{@new_resource.version}" do
#not_if { "dpkg --get-selections | grep postgresql-#{@new_resource.version}" }
The FC017 warning was for line 10 because "LWRP does not notify when updated occur":
Then I try to solve problem changing line for this:
But this problem persisted on line 10.
Does anyone know what is the problem? why this warning don't was eliminated if parameter it's set to be true?
remove the @
symbol from before new_resource