In my splash screen I have request to server, but when there's no internet connection i'm opening
Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS);
startActivityForResult(settingsIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_CONNECTION);
But problem is that onActivityResult
is called immediately with requestCode = REQUEST_ENABLE_CONNECTION
I've also tried to add the flag FLAG_NEW_TASK
for the intent with no luck.
The activity is not singleTop
or singleInstance
in the manifest
What is the best android solution to resolve this issue? I don't want to use Broadcast as it's not the best way to my flow so it will be taken as last choice for me.
Thanks a lot for the help.
If the onActivityForResult
isn't working well for you (as @CommonsWare suggested, it's fine) you can create a simple flow that should work fine:
In your activity, add
private boolean isReturnedFromSettings = false;
When you decide there's no internet connection and want to open the settings activity, use startActivity
and set isReturnedFromSettings = true;
In your Activity's onResume, add this:
if (isReturnedFromSettings) {
isReturnedFromSettings = false;
Should work...