I am trying to generate all integers (natural numbers) smaller than a limit, let's say 10.
I have a predicate nat(X)
which produces all numbers from 0 to infinity.
Now my problem is, if I do:
nat10(X) :- nat(X), X =< 10.
This will never terminate, as it tries to find other solutions with nat(X)
until infinity.
I need a construct that let's me fail the whole predicate if one subgoal fails. How would I go about doing that?
Depending upon the problem being solved, you might want to consider constraint logic programming over finite domains (CLPFD).
But in this context, you need just prevent Prolog from backtracking if X > 10
. The current predicate nat10/1
has no such constraint, so we'll add it:
nat10(X) :- nat(X), ( X > 10 -> !, fail ; true ).
So if X > 10
, we do a cut (!
) to prevent backtracking to nat(X)
(thus avoiding generating natural numbers above 10
infinitely) and then simply fail
. Otherwise, we succeed (true
| ?- nat10(X).
X = 1 ? ;
X = 2 ? ;
X = 9 ? ;
X = 10 ? ;
(3 ms) no
| ?-