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Facebook Graph API event-id/comments?since=2014-02-01&until=2014-02-10 , Date filter has no effect

  1. I am trying to bring comments made on a particular event by targeting this URL:
  2. I am passing the user_access_token
  3. I have two comments at present on this event made on the same day(2014-03-29)
  4. Now I try to pass a date which should bring an empty data result/object like this:
  5. This request has no effect, it still shows me the two comment made on the 29th
  6. I have tried the same kind of date range on my user-id/feed and it gave me an empty data object.
  7. Finally i tried event-id/feed (before trying date filter) and it gave me the following error


    "error": {
        "message": "An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later.", 
        "type": "OAuthException", 
        "code": 2

Could you please guide me about date filter on that particular query (point4) or if you have any other idea to use date filter on comments made for an event.


  • Comments use Cursor-based Pagination, so you cannot use since or until on the comments endpoint (these parameters would work f.ex. for the feed endpoint).

    To get the comments in a time range you have to fetch all comments from NOW to the start of the time range, f.ex. with (the filter=stream will order the result with the timestamp).