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construct2 - How can I have it read a string and react differently to each character?

I would like to have an array of strings, then make a for each loop that goes through each string, but then also I want it to read each character and react in different ways:

If char = 0 shoot left, if char = 1 shoot right, that sort of thing.

So that I can use strings to program the actions.


  • I'm not too good with arrays, but I can tell you how to do this with a text file

    First, create the objects AJAX and Function

    Next, import the text file

    Then make these variables and events:

    Global text variable "TextVar" = ""
    Global number variable "TextIndex" = 0
    Event: System - On start of layout
        AJAX - Request text.txt, tag "Tag"
    Event: AJAX - On "Tag" completed
    ----System - set TextVar to AJAX.LastData
    Event: System - Every 0.1 seconds
    ----Function - Call "function" (mid(TextVar, TextIndex, 1))
    ----System - Add 1 to "TextIndex"
    Event: Function - On "function"
    --Sub-Event: Function - Parameter 0 = "0"
    ----Actions: (stuff)
    --Sub-Event: Function - Parameter 0 = "1"
    ----Actions: (stuff)

    Hope this helps