plateform -> cocos2D, iOS
Step1: Loading animations from FileName.pvr.ccz(TexturePacker) with ImageFormat="RGBA8888" Shows memory usage in x-code Instruments 10.0 MB.
Step1: Loading animations from FileName.pvr.ccz(TexturePacker) with ImageFormat="RGBA4444" Shows memory usage in x-code Instruments 10.0 MB.
Question -> why its not showing any difference in Memory Usage while using lower ImageFormat = "RGBA4444" instead of higher ImageFormat = "RGBA8888"?
TexturePacker file size = 2047 * 1348
I found this error cause my memory size same in both format:-
In CCTexturePVR.m ->
// Not word aligned ?
if( mod != 0 ) {
NSUInteger neededBytes = (4 - mod ) / (bpp/8);
NSLog(@"cocos2d: WARNING. Current texture size=(%tu,%tu). Convert it to size=(%tu,%tu) in order to save memory", _width, _height, _width + neededBytes, _height );
NSLog(@"cocos2d: WARNING: File: %@", [path lastPathComponent] );
NSLog(@"cocos2d: WARNING: For further info visit:");
its cocos2d or iOS bug which can be handle by adjusting pvr.ccz size Size dimension should be divisible by 4 but not the Power Of two. it will resolve bug and get expected memory difference for Both Format