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Visual Studio 2013 Edit and Continue not working

With VS2013 Pro I am not able to use "Edit and Continue" when debugging an MFC program. I created a new MFC project to test.

OS is Windows 7 64-bit and I'm running Visual Studio 2013 12.0.30110.00 Update1.

Under Tools->Options->Debugging->Edit and Continue I have Enable Edit and Continue checked. I have unchecked it and checked it, but whenever I modify the code while debugging I get the following message:

The source file has changed. It no longer matches the version of the file used to build the application being debugged.

Basically I haven't changed any settings except for the tab sizes and I've set the keyboard mapping scheme to VC6.

What setting am I missing to enable edit and continue?


  • Edit and Continue is disabled for native code by default. To enable:

    1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
    2. In the Options dialog box, open the Debugging node, and select the Edit and Continue category.
    3. In the Native-only options group, select Enable native Edit and Continue

    Edit: Steps to test native Edit and Continue is working:

    1. Start VS 2013
    2. Create a new MFC project:
      • FILE->New Project->MFC Application->OK.
      • Select Finish on the MFC Application Wizard.
    3. Build and start debugging:
      • BUILD->Build Solution
      • DEBUG->Start Debugging
    4. Break into the program:
      • DEBUG->Break all
    5. Make a code change:
      • Open OutputWnd.cpp and find COutputWnd::OnSize (Line 80)
      • Insert this line at the start of the function: cx = cx / 2;
    6. Continue execution:
      • DEBUG->Continue
    7. Resize the application window to see the effect of the code change on the Output pane at the bottom. Its width should be half the required size.