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Browserify and Rendr using Gulp

I am trying to browserify a Rendr application. I have tried multiple ways with no success.

Here is one version that I have tried using Gulp-browserify(Now deprecated in favor of plain browserify).

gulp.task('browserify-gulp', function() {

And this errors out

Error: module "app/router" not found from rendr_project/node_modules/rendr/shared/app.js"

Here is a different approach using stock Browserify and vinyl-source-stream. This gives me the same error.

gulp.task('browserify', function() {
  var bundle = browserify( './app/app.js' ).bundle();
  return bundle.pipe(source( 'mergedAssets.js' )).pipe(gulp.dest('public/'));

The line in .../shared/app.js that cause this behavior is

if (!isServer) {
  ClientRouter = require('app/router');// <---here
  Backbone.$ = window.$ || require('jquery');

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

For reference, here is the same task using Grunt and Grunt-Browserify.

browserify: {
    options: {
      debug: true,
      alias: [
      aliasMappings: [
          cwd: 'app/',
          src: ['**/*.js'],
          dest: 'app/'
      shim: {
        jquery: {
          path: 'assets/vendor/jquery.js',
          exports: '$'
    app: {
      src: [ 'app/**/*.js' ],
      dest: 'public/mergedAssets.js'

This works great, but I would like to move everything over to gulp which seems much more intuitive.


I have found a work around using gulp-browserify.

    insertGlobals: true,
    debug: !gulp.env.production
  }).on('prebundle', function(bundler) {
    bundler.require( __dirname + '/app/router', {expose: 'app/router'} );
    bundler.require( __dirname + '/app/views/base', {expose: '../base'});

This compiles and the app seems to be working, but the file output seems to have ballooned to over 8 mb while the file compiled with grunt-browserify is steady at 1.5mb. I also see errors in the browsers console where certain modules are not being found. Another downside it gulp-browserify being blacklisted. And it seems that browserify does not have support for the 'prebundle' event.

You can also see that I have to require two files in my app. Currently there are a total of 6 files. I imagine as the app becomes complex I will have to manually require more files.

AliasMapping is indeed a much needed feature of Browserify. Hopefully someone knows a way to get this working using just Browserify.


  • Alright, looks like someone figured it out for me. As you can see below, its not very friendly or Gulpy. Looks like a someone needs to make a bundler specifically for Gulp because this is horrible to look at.

    It spits out the same size file as grunt-browserify does. So thats a pass.

    var rendrClientFiles = glob.sync('rendr/{client,shared}/**/*.js', { cwd : './node_modules/' });
    var rendrModules = (file) {
      return file.replace('.js', '')
     * Bundle SquidInk app
     * @param globs
     * @returns {*}
    var getBundler = function (globs) {
      var bundler, files;
      bundler = browserify({
        fullPaths : false,
        entries   : []
      globs.forEach(function (pattern) {
        files = glob.sync(pattern, { cwd : './' });
        files.forEach(function (file) {
          // it's nesessary for some app modules (e.g. 'app/app')
          // to be exposed otherwise rendr couldn't require them
          var moduleName = file.replace(/.js$/, '');
          bundler.require('./' + file, { expose: moduleName});
      rendrModules.forEach(function (moduleName) {
      return bundler;
    gulp.task('browserify:app', function() {
      var bundler = getBundler([ 'app/**/*.js' ]),
        options = { insertGlobals : false, debug : true };
      return bundler.bundle(options)
