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Solr: Incorporate Distance In MoreLikeThis (MLT) handler

I am trying to create a recommender using SOLR, matching on a text field called title. I want it to return matches based on the (document similarity on title field)/(geospatial distance from a point). So the recommendations should take into account both textual similarity and geospatial distance from the document I am matching against, favoring documents that are both similar and close by geographically. I tried doing this using the mlt.fl and mlt.qf handler:


However this does not work, distance appears to be completely ignored. Is there a way to achieve this? Or do I need to write a query instead to generate recommended documents?


  • After a lot of searching and trying different things, I came across this. Looks like it does what I need, and at the very least shows how to implement a custom MLT handler: