I was trying to populate a container using specs2 DataTable and then check some conditions on it. The problem is that matchers after DataTable are ignored. Consider the code below
class MySpec extends Specification with DataTables {
"A Container" should {
"after data is added container should have the following data" in new TestContainer {
"a" | "flag" | "d" |
100 ! 1 ! "abc" |
300 ! 1 ! "abc" |
200 ! 0 ! "xyz" |>
{ (a, flag, d) =>
container.add(Data(a, flag, d)) must not(throwA[Exception])
container.size must_== 3 // Ignored
1 must_== 2 // Ignored
Please let me know what am I missing and how to make lines marked as // Ignored
to be validated.
Sorry, this is a bug. It is fixed in the latest 2.4-SNAPSHOT.