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PostgreSQL and Libpq - Create trigger that prints a line when requirement is not met

I really need help on this one, it's for my university project and I'm stuck.

The big idea is to create a trigger on a table that if the value requirement is not met it prints a message to the user and doesn't allow the insert statement to proceed.

I already have a doSQL(conn, "query") function that sends the query to the database and prints any results (if any). Any SELECTs, UPDATEs or INSERTs work just fine with this function, however, I have a problem with multiple lines queries.

For example this:

doSQL(conn, "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION najnizsza_krajowa() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.pensja<1500 THEN SELECT 'Pensja poniżej najniższej krajowej'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ");

returns an error saying ERROR: syntax error at or near "END" indicating at END IF; (not the later END). After this I have a create trigger statement

doSQL(conn, "CREATE TRIGGER pensja_check BEFORE INSERT ON pracownik FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE najnizsza_krajowa();");

which I guess should work, but as I keep messing something with my function it only says that the function is missing. What do I do wrong with the function?

EDIT: The doSQL function, as requested:

void doSQL(PGconn *polaczenie, char *komenda){
PGresult *rez;

printf("%s\n", komenda);

rez = PQexec(polaczenie, komenda);
printf("Status: %s\n", PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(rez)));
printf("Komunikaty: %s\n", PQresultErrorMessage(rez));

switch(PQresultStatus(rez)) {
printf("Coś nie tak!");

Sorry for some polish names, hope this won't matter much. Thanks in advance for any help, this is really important for me.


  • The unescaped single quotes you detected are not the problem. You cannot SELECT in a plpgsql function without a target. You would use PERFORM for that, but that's still not what you want. RAISE an EXCEPTION:

    To do this:

    prints a message to the user and doesn't allow the insert statement to proceed.

    Use instead:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION najnizsza_krajowa()
      RETURNS trigger AS
    IF NEW.pensja < 1500 THEN
        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Pensja poniżej najniższej krajowej';
    END IF;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql

    Or you could RAISE a WARNING and RETURN NULL; to avoid the rollback.

    And do not quote the language name: 'plpgsql'. It's an identifier, not a string.