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Initialize std::array with make_shared


I am writing a driver for a networkprotocol and have a function write(std::shared_ptr<package> package), where package is std::array<buffer_ptr,2> (0=>header, 1=> body). For convenience I want to write a function write(buffer_ptr body), that autogenerates the header and calls the first form of write. To do so I want to us std::make_shared, however I have issues initializing the std::array from the make_shared call.


typedef std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> buffer_ptr;
typedef std::array<buffer_ptr, 2> package_t;
typedef std::shared_ptr<package_t> package_ptr;

void connection::write(package_ptr package) {
    ... //do stuff

void connection::write(buffer_ptr body) {
    buffer_ptr header = buildHeader(body);
    write(std::make_shared<package_t>(???)) //here I want to initialize the array with {header,body}

What I tried for ???

(these led to compiler errors)

{header, body}
{{header, body}}
std::initializer_list<buffer_ptr>{header, body}


  1. Is there a solution to make this work or do I have to write something like:

    package_ptr package=new package{header, body}; write(package);

    1.b) Do I loose efficency by having to resort to package_ptr(new package)? (I remember make shared allocating memory for the pointer and the instance in one chunk, to save memory requests)

  2. On Cppreference is reads:

    Moreover, f(shared_ptr(new int(42)), g()) can lead to memory leak if g throws an exception. This problem doesn't exist if make_shared is used.

    Why would memory be leaked (could int(42) be constructed before g is called, and g be called before shared_ptr is called)? And would the alternative code from 1. suffer from such a potential leak?


  • First:

    array doesn't explicitly declare a constructor. In particular, it doesn't have a constructor that takes a initializer list.

    I think a clean way is to avoid the explicit new in the code and leave it to standard functions:

    package_t p = {header, body};

    The code would have looked even better if there was neither new nor std::shared_ptr :

    package_t p = {header, body};

    Second, on it reads:

    Moreover, f(shared_ptr(new int(42)), g()) can lead to memory leak if g throws an exception. This problem doesn't exist if make_shared is used.

    The standard doesn't specify an order for evaluating function arguments and expressions can be evaluated in any order as long as they produce the same result.


    f(shared_ptr(new int(42)), g())

    new int(42) has to precede shared_ptr() but not g() and this can cause a leak if g throws.


    f(make_shared<int>(42), g())

    the allocation happens inside make_shared. If g is called before make_shared and if it throws, the memory would never get allocated.

    If make_shared is called before g and if g throws, the shared_ptr object would have been created already and it's destruction is guaranteed because of RAII